Domestic abuse encompasses far more than just physical violence. It often includes a less visible, yet deeply damaging form of abuse known as coercive control. This is characterized by a consistent...
"Why didn’t you just leave?” is a question often directed at survivors of domestic abuse. While this question may seem simple on the surface, it reflects a lack of...
In abusive relationships, a tactic known as DARVO is often used to manipulate, disorient, coerce, and silence victims. DARVO is an acronym that stands for Deny, Attack, and Reverse...
The trial of Julie Ann McIlwaine, accused of murdering her partner James Crossley, has raised profound questions about domestic abuse, victimization, and self-defense. McIlwaine, who fatally stabbed Crossley in March 2022,...
In January 2023, 15-year-old Holly Newton from Northumberland was stalked and brutally murdered by her ex-boyfriend, Logan MacPhail, aged 16 at the time. Holly’s...
Nearly a year after I left my ex, a friend invited me along to visit New York with her. When my ex found out (because our children told him), he asked...