Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Triangulation in Abusive Relationships: How Abusers Use Others to Exert Control

Abusive relationships often involve much more than physical violence. Coercive control is a particularly insidious form of abuse, where one partner exercises dominance over...

Dating Someone New? Pay Attention to These 10 Dating Red Flags

Dating someone new is a thrilling experience filled with the excitement of discovery and the possibility of a meaningful connection. While getting caught up...

The Swift Shift: Why Abusers Quickly Move into New Relationships

The end of a relationship with a controlling abuser often marks the beginning of a perplexing chapter: their rapid move into a new relationship....

Words That Wound: Distinguishing Verbal Abuse from Normal Arguments

Every relationship encounters disagreements and conflicts, and at times, these can escalate into shouting and name-calling. We can all lose our temper and say...

Addicted to Love: Understanding Trauma Bonding in Emotionally Abusive Relationships

Trauma bonding is a complex and often misunderstood phenomenon, which occurs when a victim forms a strong emotional attachment to their abuser. It typically...

Alarm Over Controlling Behavior in Teen Relationships: Report Unveils Concerning Trends

A comprehensive study conducted by the Social Observatory of the La Caixa Foundation and researchers from the University of Barcelona sheds light on the worrying prevalence...

Can an Abuser Ever Really Love You?

Navigating a relationship filled with both declarations of love and actions of control or abuse is a bewildering and heart-wrenching experience. Those ensnared in...