Friday, October 4, 2024

Controlling Husband Bugged Wife’s Online Therapy Session


In a disturbing case of coercive control, Mark Holloway, 54, of Cardiff, has been convicted for invasive and abusive actions after secretly bugging his wife’s office to listen in on her private therapy sessions. This disturbing behavior is part of an increasing trend where abusers use technology to dominate and stalk their partners.

Relentless Abuse and Control

According to Wales Online, between August 2020 and July 2022, Holloway engaged in a sustained campaign of coercive behavior towards his wife. This abuse escalated to physical violence, including an incident where he yanked her by her hair, held her over a bannister, and attempted to punch her, causing bruising to her ear. Over the months, Holloway obsessively monitored all aspects of her life, scrutinizing her phone, social media, and personal appointments. He frequently accused her of dressing attractively for other men and demeaned her appearance.

The pattern of abuse included several severe incidents. In one, following a dispute about work, Holloway aggressively charged at her with a clenched fist and choked her while breaking down in tears. In another, after spending a weekend away, he returned home intoxicated, stormed into their bedroom, and verbally and physically assaulted her, accusing her of infidelity. When she tried to call for help, Holloway forcibly took the phone from her. Fortunately, the police arrived shortly after and arrested him.

During the sentencing at Newport Crown Court, Judge Matthew Porter-Bryant addressed the gravity of Holloway’s actions, stating, “Your victim was left questioning herself and had low self-esteem. The happier she was the more unhappy you became… I am satisfied at times you wanted to humiliate your former wife.”

Prosecutor Roger Griffiths revealed that Holloway had echoed statements his wife made during her therapy sessions, indicating he had bugged the office where these sessions were held. He also threatened to defame her on social media and disclose an alleged affair to her friends.

Holloway was sentenced to 33 weeks in prison, suspended for 18 months, indicating the court’s commitment to both punish and rehabilitate.

Technological Abuse on the Rise

The use of spyware and hidden devices by abusers highlights a sinister facet of modern coercive control. As technology becomes more embedded in everyday life, its misuse in abusive relationships provides perpetrators with powerful tools to harass and dominate their partners. This case underlines the urgent need for awareness and protective measures against such technological abuse, which can significantly impede a victim’s ability to seek help and escape abusive environments.

Featured image: Woman in online therapy session. Source: Srdjan / Adobe Stock.

Samara Knight
Samara Knight
Mother, writer, researcher fighting to bring awareness of coercive control, emotional abuse, and post-separation abuse.

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