Friday, October 4, 2024

Walking On Eggshells: Coercive Control in the UK (Video)


“Walking on Eggshells: Coercive Control in the UK” is a powerful documentary that shines a light on coercive control, a form of abuse that’s hard to see because it doesn’t leave bruises. Rosie Jarvis and Annie La Vespa created the film to show that this type of control happens a lot in abusive relationships, but many people don’t really understand it. They talk to survivors who share their stories of being controlled in almost every part of their lives, from who they could see to what they could do, showing how deep this issue runs.

The film explains what coercive control is — things like keeping someone away from their friends, watching their every move, and controlling their basic needs — and why it’s so harmful. It also points out that while many think of abuse as physical, coercive control can hurt someone without ever leaving a mark. Experts and survivors discuss how this behavior can mess with someone’s mind and make them feel trapped. The documentary also touches on the laws around coercive control, helping viewers understand when these controlling actions turn into a crime.

One of the most touching parts of the documentary is the story of Kate, who lived through years of this kind of abuse. Her story shows just how much coercive control can take over someone’s life, making simple decisions for them and isolating them from the world. “Walking on Eggshells” calls for everyone to pay more attention to coercive control and help those who might be suffering in silence. It’s a call for change, showing the importance of understanding and fighting against this kind of hidden abuse.

Featured image: Coercive control survivor shares her story. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Annie La Vespa

Shadows of Control shares articles, latest news, real stories, research and resources on coercive control and emotional abuse.

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