Friday, October 4, 2024

Finding Strength: Stevie’s Tale of Surviving Abuse and Control (Video)


Stevie Croisant’s story is a heart-wrenching journey through domestic abuse and coercive control. In a deeply personal video, Stevie recounts her experiences with a partner who started off with subtle red flags but eventually turned abusive. As she sought to start anew in Montana, Stevie found herself isolated and vulnerable, a perfect target for her abuser. The relationship quickly deteriorated as he employed classic tactics of control and manipulation.

Stevie describes the initial stages of her relationship as fraught with tension and red flags that she, unfortunately, overlooked. She recounts an early date that felt awkward and uncomfortable, where her partner barely engaged with her. This lack of attention made her question her own worth, a feeling that would become a recurring theme in their relationship. Despite the obvious signs, the allure of exploring a new and beautiful state with him kept her in the relationship. He exploited her vulnerability, knowing she had no support system nearby.

The abuse escalated to a terrifying level, with incidents that highlighted his manipulative and violent tendencies. Stevie recalls being hospitalized with unexplained symptoms, only to be coerced into moving in with him under the guise of needing to be taken care of. This pattern of control extended to her social interactions, where he expressed jealousy and suspicion over a childhood friend’s visit, leading to physical assault. The psychological impact was profound, as Stevie felt increasingly isolated and powerless.

One of the most telling moments in Stevie’s story is when her partner’s actions began to sabotage her professional life. His harassment extended to her coworkers, creating an atmosphere of fear and instability. The abuse came to a head during a work trip to Hawaii, where his incessant calls and accusations led to her performance suffering significantly. It was during this trip that Stevie realized she needed to leave him for good.

With the support of her family and friends, Stevie made an escape plan and finally left the abusive relationship. Despite the trauma and ongoing harassment post-separation, Stevie’s courage to share her story shines a light on the pervasive issue of domestic abuse, providing hope and solidarity for others in similar situations.

Featured image: Stevie Croisant. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Unfiltered Stories.

Samara Knight
Samara Knight
Mother, writer, researcher fighting to bring awareness of coercive control, emotional abuse, and post-separation abuse.

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