50 Common Gaslighting Phrases and What They Really Mean
Gaslighting is among the most deceptive forms of manipulation. It happens when an abuser systematically erodes your sense of reality, creating confusion and self-doubt....
Emotional Abuse vs. Psychological Abuse: What’s the Difference?
When discussing abusive behavior, the terms “emotional abuse” and “psychological abuse” are often used interchangeably, leaving many people wondering whether there is a distinction...
Coercive Control, Rules, and the Micromanagement of Daily Life
One of the common features of coercive control in relationships is the relentless micromanagement of everyday life—strict rules, limitations, and expectations that govern a...
Weaponized Incompetence as a Tool of Control in Abusive Relationships
Weaponized incompetence is a deliberate tactic in which individuals pretend they cannot perform tasks adequately, forcing their partners to assume those responsibilities. This behavior...
How Abusers Withhold Affection to Maintain Control
Withholding affection—also referred to as emotional withholding—is a subtle but damaging practice, which when used intentionally and consistently, is a form of emotional abuse....
Substance Use Coercion: A Hidden Form of Abuse and Control
Substance use coercion is a form of abuse in which an individual manipulates or controls their partner's use of substances, often as part of...
Survivors Share the Worst Excuses Abusers Use for Their Behavior
Domestic abuse takes many forms, and those who experience it often endure not just physical or emotional harm, but also a constant barrage of...
Evading Responsibility: Blame Shifting in Abusive Relationships
Blame shifting is a manipulative tactic commonly used by abusers to evade responsibility for their harmful actions and behaviors. This psychological defense mechanism allows...