Friday, October 4, 2024

Behind Closed Doors: Lisa’s Story of Coercive Control (Video)


Lisa’s experience of coercive control is a poignant example of the severe impact of non-physical abuse. Though her home appeared serene and her life ostensibly unblemished to outsiders, inside her walls, a different reality prevailed.

Her partner’s manipulation began subtly—criticisms about her friends, her past, and her choices became routine. This relentless undermining slowly eroded her self-esteem, making her question her own perceptions and sanity. She was labeled a “freak,” “psycho,” and “weirdo,” insults that, over time, seeped into her self-concept. This verbal and psychological abuse is particularly insidious because it chips away at the victim’s identity and sense of worth without leaving visible scars.

This abuse escalated into more overt forms of control and terror. Lisa’s partner would deprive her of sleep, an act of psychological warfare meant to weaken her physically and mentally. He manufactured accusations and scenarios that positioned her constantly on the defensive. The impact of these tactics was profound: Lisa began to exhibit signs of depression and anxiety, classic responses to prolonged stress and fear. Such psychological torment is often minimized because it lacks physical evidence, yet its effects can be just as debilitating as physical violence.

The repercussions of this coercive control extended beyond Lisa’s psychological health and into her professional life. Her abuser’s interference at her workplace threatened her job stability, further isolating her and increasing her dependency on him.

Lisa’s experience underscores the essential truth that psychological and emotional abuse can be just as life-altering as physical abuse, and recognition is the first step towards intervention and support.

Featured image: Lisa tells her story of coercive control. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Lisa-Marie Flavin.

Samara Knight
Samara Knight
Mother, writer, researcher fighting to bring awareness of coercive control, emotional abuse, and post-separation abuse.

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