Friday, October 4, 2024

How Alisa Divine Escaped 18 Years of Control and Abuse (Video)


Beginning when she was just 16 years old, Alisa Divine found herself trapped in a relationship marked by control, emotional abuse, and violence. The first red flag was her partner’s intense jealousy whenever she talked to other males, even though they were just friends.

As the relationship progressed, especially after they got married when Alisa was 21, the controlling behaviors only escalated. Her husband didn’t want her to pursue further education or get her master’s degree, and it became clear that she wasn’t allowed to make decisions for herself. He restricted her choices regarding her friends, her education, and her work.

The turning point came when Alisa was physically assaulted at a friend’s wedding, an event that left her questioning whether she could continue in the relationship. However, after each incident, her husband would apologize and promise to change, drawing her back into the cycle of abuse.

Throughout their 18-year marriage, Alisa’s husband was consistently unfaithful. Despite these betrayals and the increasingly oppressive environment, Alisa stayed in the relationship, trying to hold her family together while raising their five children.

After years of enduring his abusive behavior, she finally found the courage to leave. This decision was bolstered by her growing realization of her own value and the support of a therapist who affirmed her reasons for leaving. Alisa began to focus on her own interests, such as photography, and gradually built a new life for herself.

Today, Alisa is a published author, a speaker, and an advocate for women’s empowerment. She uses her experiences to help other women who are facing similar challenges, showing them that it is possible to escape abusive relationships and build a fulfilling life. She shares her experience on this Unfiltered Stories video.

Featured image: Alisa Divine. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Unfiltered Stories.

Samara Knight
Samara Knight
Mother, writer, researcher fighting to bring awareness of coercive control, emotional abuse, and post-separation abuse.

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