Friday, October 4, 2024

Marc Masterton Jailed Again for Controlling and Abusive Behavior


Marc Masterton, 26, has been jailed in England for coercively controlling his former girlfriend, Zoe Castle, during two years of what she described as “horrific” abuse. This is not Masterton’s first offence; he had previously been sent to prison for 41 months last year for the same crime against another partner, Chloe Holland, who tragically committed suicide. Masterton pleaded guilty to the offence against 24-year-old Zoe Castle while they were in a relationship in Southsea, Hampshire.

The BBC reports that Ms Castle said it was hearing about Chloe Holland’s experience that finally gave her the confidence to report Masterton to the police. In her victim impact statement read at Portsmouth Crown Court, Ms Castle said she had lived in “constant fear” of Masterton, who was already in prison following his previous offence. “He would always make me feel like I was the one to be blamed and that if I just didn’t say anything, he wouldn’t have done it,” she said [via BBC].

Zoe Castle’s Harrowing Testimony

Ms Castle and Masterton began their relationship in 2017, when she had just turned 18. He moved into her flat in Southsea, where Ms Castle was living with her young daughter. Initially, there was a honeymoon period, but soon, Masterton’s true nature surfaced.

The court heard acts of violence included the victim being hit over the head with a glass bottle, cut on the finger with a knife, thrown into a wardrobe, and an incident where Masterton picked her up and placed her in a freezing cold ice bath.

Victim Impact Statement

According to The Portsmouth News, Ms Castle’s statement descontrcribed the abuse, which lasted for two years, as the “very worst time of my life.” She has since been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. “I have lived in either constant fear of being beaten or losing the most precious thing in my life, my daughter,” she said. “He made me know I had no choice but to stay and accept his constant abuse. I was his property and if I wanted out he would contact social services and say whatever he needed to to have my daughter taken from me – I believed him.”

Their relationship ended in 2019 when Masterton was sent to prison for an unrelated offence. It was not until 2023 that Ms Castle found out Chloe Holland had also been abused by him.

Passing sentence, Judge Michael Bowes KC said Masterton’s behavior had had a “devastating effect” on Ms Castle and praised her for her “bravery in coming forward.” He ordered the latest sentence be served consecutively to the sentence for the offences against Ms Holland and issued a restraining order to protect Ms Castle. Masterton was jailed for a further three years and seven months at Portsmouth Crown Court.

Masterton’s First Victim, Chloe Holland

Chloe Holland’s case was described by police as a “horrific campaign of coercive and controlling behavior.” Ms Holland had reported Masterton for domestic abuse and provided a two-hour video submission to police that led to his conviction.

Ms Holland died in hospital in March 2023 after attempting to take her own life. Her mother, Sharon Holland, has since begun campaigning for coercive control offenders to face more severe legal consequences, reflecting the severe impact of their actions on victims.

Police and Public Reactions

Police staff investigator Nikki Brogan expressed strong condemnation of Masterton’s actions. “He has a history of subjecting his partners to some of the most heartbreaking and appalling campaigns of domestic violence involving physical assaults, control, and psychological abuse,” she said. Brogan emphasized the importance of taking reports of coercive control seriously and the need for robust legal measures to protect victims and hold offenders accountable.

The public reaction has been one of shock and outrage at the extent of Masterton’s abusive behavior. Advocacy groups for domestic violence victims have called for increased awareness and resources to support those experiencing coercive control. They stress the importance of early intervention and the provision of safe avenues for victims to report abuse.

Featured image: Marc Masterton. Source: Hampshire Constabulary.

Samara Knight
Samara Knight
Mother, writer, researcher fighting to bring awareness of coercive control, emotional abuse, and post-separation abuse.

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