Friday, October 4, 2024

Young Mother Exposes Campaign of Control by Abusive Boyfriend


A young mother, Josephine Bell, from Faversham, England, has bravely shared her harrowing story of enduring emotional blackmail and coercive control at the hands of her former partner, Joshua Turner, 25. Turner’s controlling behavior left Bell isolated, frightened, and physically harmed.

Coercive Control and Isolation

According to KentOnline, Josephine Bell, 22, described how Turner systematically isolated her from her family and friends by confiscating her phone, cutting off her access to support. He accused her of infidelity, though she rarely left their Canterbury flat. This pattern of jealousy and control extended to forbidding her from speaking to male friends and frequently accusing her of cheating without any evidence. Bell revealed that Turner made every effort to control her life, using emotional blackmail to keep her trapped in the relationship.

In court, prosecutor Victoria Aked detailed the various ways in which Turner manipulated Bell. He would go as far as threatening suicide if she tried to break up with him, instilling a deep sense of fear and responsibility for his wellbeing. This form of emotional blackmail became a weapon Turner wielded to maintain his coercive control over her.

Threats of Violence and Physical Abuse

The level of control escalated to violent threats, with one chilling incident standing out. During a walk by a river, Turner threatened Bell by saying, “That’s where I’ll bury your body if I kill you.” He did not stop at verbal threats; Turner also physically abused Bell by dragging her from room to room by her wrists, leaving bruises she felt compelled to hide from her colleagues.

Bell explained that she often felt scared of her partner and was regularly forced into silence. After each violent episode, Turner would apologize and make it impossible for her to reach out for help by confiscating her phone, hiding it in places she couldn’t access. This constant control over her ability to communicate left Bell isolated and trapped in a cycle of fear, guilt, and confusion.

Red Flags and Emotional Manipulation

Bell shared that, in hindsight, there were early warning signs or “red flags” in the relationship that she didn’t recognize at the time. An ex-girlfriend of Turner’s reached out early in their relationship, warning Bell of his abusive tendencies. However, Bell initially dismissed it as jealousy. It wasn’t until the emotional blackmail, threats, and physical abuse intensified that she understood how deeply Turner manipulated her.

Bell also recalled that Turner’s apologies were part of a manipulative cycle designed to confuse her. He alternated between cruel behavior and emotional pleas for forgiveness, a tactic common in coercive control dynamics. After every incident of violence or emotional abuse, Turner would make promises to change, only to repeat the behavior again. This pattern left Bell in a state of constant uncertainty and self-blame, wondering what she could have done differently.

Conviction and Relief

Following months of coercion, Turner was arrested and charged with controlling and coercive behavior, as well as assault by beating. He is due to be sentenced at Folkestone Magistrates’ Court in October.  

Speaking after his arrest, Bell expressed relief, hoping that her story would encourage other domestic abuse victims to come forward. She revealed the emotional toll the relationship had taken on her, including suffering panic attacks and nightmares after the abuse ended. Bell also shared the difficulty of explaining the sudden absence of her abusive partner to her young son, who had been used to seeing Turner regularly.

Bell’s story highlights the insidious nature of coercive control. It sheds light on how abusers can trap their victims in fear, manipulating them through threats, isolation, and emotional abuse. Bell now urges others in similar situations to speak out. She emphasizes that there are resources available, and that victims do not have to suffer in silence.

Featured image: Representational image of abuse victim. Source: Masson / Adobe Stock.

Samara Knight
Samara Knight
Mother, writer, researcher fighting to bring awareness of coercive control, emotional abuse, and post-separation abuse.

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